A recent Microsoft report suggests that the average human loses concentration after only eight seconds – a four-second decrease from the start of the century. To put this into some sort of context, goldfish, with an attention span of nine seconds, have now eclipsed us. Technological advancements are considered responsible for this decline.
To combat these dwindling attention spans and disrupt target audiences’ busy lifestyles, structured routines and frequent purchases, retailers are turning to eye-catching, large-format LED screen displays to entice high street shoppers.
Striking brightness is a distinguishable characteristic that elevates LED display signage over alternative communication tool options. Capable of achieving high brightness levels, innovative LED technology produces a brilliant, unambiguous light that is easily visible from close-up and longer distances, cutting through marketing noise even in ambient lighting.
Initially, displays need to be noticeable, but generating engaging content that presents key brand messages to customers is also paramount. It’s recommended that the display’s video loop should be split into several easily digestible segments: a 60-second clip could be separated into five-second increments for passers-by to contemplate messages on the move.
Flexibility is imperative for businesses to stay ahead of the competition. In a fast-moving environment, adaptation is vital in distancing themselves from rival companies. LED screens offer a versatile and efficient means of adjusting messages to accommodate any required modifications. Many outlets benefit when incorporating digital signage by altering message presentation that enhances a customer’s visit experience. In restaurants for example, menu boards can be updated throughout the day to reflect busy periods or popularity of a particular item. Retailers’ focus should be displaying more value propositions. An advanced method of achieving this would be to use customer demographics to deliver targeted communication – interactive displays in a sports shop could populate content that advertises female running shoes when women walk past, for instance.
LED screen technology augments business profiles and arms retail space owners with an effective solution to a common challenge faced, which is to create fresh, exciting customer experiences: companies recognise the power of ‘unique’ and its effect on footfall and revenue. When done correctly, digital signage maximises the effectiveness of brand and product marketing to make a real impact and influence customer buying decisions.
Below: Retailer Samantha Thavasa’s store windows are dressed in digiLED Stella M8o LED screen technology to grab the attention of passing shoppers in Tokyo, Japan.